
Archive for January 15th, 2011

The following posts are a compilation of articles on the topic of mind reading technology from Moriel Ministries Be Alert blog.

An Un-holy spirit: Has AO (Artificial Omniscience) arrived – Mind Reading Part 1

An Un-holy spirit: Has AO (Artificial Omniscience) arrived – Mind Reading Part 2

An Un-holy spirit: Has AO (Artificial Omniscience) arrived – Mind Reading Part 3

An Un-holy spirit: Has AO (Artificial Omniscience) arrived – Mind Reading Part 4

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The Bible talks in themes of privacy loss under the rule of Antichrist and his one world religious system, but the reality of this has never been possible until now. Those who naively accept this system and willingly take his mark will also accept his false spirituality (Revelation 13:17). Are we witnessing the beginning of the end?

No more passwords? Obama considers Internet ID for Americans in bid to boost web security
January 10

The buzz word today in Technology is “Convergence”. Convergence of all communication technology onto the Internet and the network architecture that supports the internet: TCP/IP.

Convergence of all commerce (buying and selling, financial transactions), …social interaction, entertainment, and the convergence of all business, processes being done via the World Wide Web.

Within a decade you will be considered a serious odd ball if you are not “connected” and then it progresses from being an oddball to being unable via legislation or common business consensus to carry out even common & basic everyday tasks to maintain a job, own a home, have a bank account. . . buy & sell . . . unless you are connected and able to be identified on a single centralized system: THE INTERNET

Revelation 13:17:

“and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name”

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See also:

When Technology Turns Against Us
by Jan Markell
January 12, 2011

We all know we are heading into a full-blown surveillance society. The U.K. probably heads the world in this effort, but the U.S. is nipping at its heels. The Obama administration is assuring that.

Newsmax online is reporting the fact that Obama is eyeing the Internet to ID all Americans. This was preceded by the Net Neutrality Act which was the first phase of the government monitoring the Internet. White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt says, “This is the perfect spot in the U.S. government to centralize efforts toward creating an ‘identity ecosystem’ for the Internet.” Privacy groups are alerting that this is an absolute infringement on Americans’ rights. The Department of Homeland Security will also help implement this.

Keep in mind the power of the Internet and computer technology.

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The Internet ID: Do we have any say in it?

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Note: The following is an excerpt from an article which also includes a 12-minute video explaining the doctrines of the Mormon church.

On my first cruise, I’m meeting strangers who will be friends for life. One is Jerry Johnson. I am telling him how grateful I am for Glenn Beck and how he educated me on the progressives’ secret agenda of destroying America, how he “outed” the Obama appointee, Communist Van Jones, and all the other scary czars like antigun animal-worshiper Sunstein and Holdren who wants to poison our water to limit population growth, how Beck exposed George Soros as the “Dr. Evil” that he is, trying to crash our economy and take over the world. Jerry brings up Glenn Beck’s Mormonism and I start to realize that the god Glenn Beck has been praying to for the healing of our land is not the God I’ve been praying to. I’ve had a fuzzy understanding of Mormonism, but, in a quest for truth, I listen to the facts Jerry is sharing with me and decide Beck has the freedom to worship any god he chooses, but he and Mitt Romney cannot accurately call themselves “Christians.” I now realize why the 8/28 event had a strange element with the ecumenical lineup Beck brought onstage with him. Praying to “any” god is not what 2 Chronicles 7:14 meant.

I think Glenn Beck should stick to politics.

More here:

By the sea
Exclusive: Victoria Jackson spends 1st cruise learning about Glenn Beck’s Mormonism


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What does Rick Warren have in common with false prophet Todd Bentley?


Emanuel Swedenborg, a mystic, seer and a medium, was also one of the forerunners to modern spiritualism. Swedenborg believed that he was the only one able to shed light on the true meaning of the Bible, with the help of Angels. His teachings influenced a man named Sundar Singh, who said that he had contact with Swedenborg in the spirit world.

After seeing a vision of Sundar Singh, Todd Bentley borrowed his practices of meditation, contemplation, and being still. If you are not familiar with Todd Bentley, see here.

You can read about Todd Bentley’s vision of Sundar Singh, here:

Is Todd Bentley walking in the footsteps of mystics and seers?


More recently, Rick Warren has partnered with Dr. Mehmet Oz to lead Saddleback Church in a health and wellness plan which he would have his church members believe is the health plan of the prophet Daniel. After the Daniel Plan was announced, it soon became apparent to shocked Christians everywhere that Warren’s new partner Dr. Oz also walks in the footsteps of Emanuel Swedenborg, as can be seen here:

Does Oz’s Road Lead to Heaven?

Rick Warren Teams up with Swedenborg Cult Follower Dr. Oz

Learn more about Swedenborgianism here:

Swedenborgianism by Matt Slick
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Whether pastor Warren will allow this partnership and influence to continue in his church or not remains to be seen. In the meantime, those sheep who have the wool pulled over their eyes will most likely conclude that concerns over this important issue are unwarranted, unloving, and judgmental. The truth is that these things are being exposed this week by many concerned Christians who are warning the deceived out of love for Jesus and the church. Do you want to walk in the footsteps of men like Bentley, Singh, Oz, and Swedenborg? Or do you want to follow Jesus? Whose footsteps is Rick Warren following and leading his people in?

Please, before you sign up for the Daniel Plan, be like the Bereans who examined everything, and like Daniel and his friends who dared to stand for the truth.

“Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.” Acts 17:11


Special Report:Rick Warren’s New Health and Wellness Initiative Could Have Profound Repercussions on Many

Also see:

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan, New Age, Mystyicism, Dr. Oz, and More
By Justin Edwards

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Environmentalism: The Newest Paganism?

by Jo Kwong

In June 1991, the Presbyterian Church approved a historic statement of faith that made environmental concerns part of the official canon of the church. The 80-line prayer enumerated pollution of the planet as a sin against God, saying people “exploit neighbor and nature, and threaten death to the planet entrusted to our care.”

A month later, the Episcopal Church closed its 11-day governing session with a united call to promote ecology. Viewing pollution as a religious issue, it urged church leaders to “move forward at great speed to respond to the challenge.”

Environmentalism, it seems, has truly become a religious movement.

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Green Lies and Deceptive Science

COP16 Cancun More Idolatry

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Has Environmentalism Lost Its Spiritual Core?
By Bryan Walsh

Environmentalism began as a religion. Certainly that’s how paleo-greens like John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club, would have seen it. Muir was awakened to nature when he first explored Yosemite in the 1860s, and he felt it in a religious way — he called what would become one of the nation’s first national parks “the grandest of all special temples of Nature.”

Muir’s biographer, Donald Worster, has written that Muir saw his mission as “saving the American soul from total surrender to materialism.” David Brower, a spiritual successor to Muir who would found Friends of the Earth, would say of his staunchest green allies that they had “the religion.” Environmentalism — rooted in nature and the outdoors — was an antidote to secular, technological modern life.

Except it’s not quite that way anymore.

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Wheaton College Deluded by Tony Blair Foundation

by Steve McKonkey
Contact: ChristianInvestigator.com, 608-469-7956

MADISON, Wisc., Dec. 6, 2010 /Christian Newswire/ — Last week, the Tony Blair Foundation announced that Wheaton College has become the first Associate University of the Foundation in the United States.

According to the Foundation’s website, the Foundation “aims to promote respect and understanding about the world’s major religions and show how faith is a powerful force for the good of the modern world.”

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Glenn Beck’s New Book Reveals He Embraces New Age Theology, Is a Knowledgeable Mormon, and a Universalist

By Brannon S. Howse

In August of 2010, I predicted on my national radio program that it was only a matter of time before Glenn Beck would release a distinctively religious book that would promote his New Age Mormonism and universalism. I sensed that Glenn was setting himself up to be the politically conservative alternative to Oprah. His new book, “7 Wonders That Will Change Your Life”, could have been written by Oprah for sure.
Many self-professing Christians cannot see what Beck is up to but there are those in the unsaved world that seem to be exhibiting more worldview understanding than some in the Christian community. The Business Insider published an article on January 4, 2011 entitled, Glenn Beck’s New Year’s Plan Sounds A Lot Like Oprah’s New Network.

Last week (second week of January 2011) Beck released his latest book entitled The Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life. The book is co-authored by psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow.

Beck’s new book is nothing less than the promotion of universalism, postmodernism, and pagan spirituality, also known as the New Age Movement.

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Dalai Lama and Rick Warren: Top Tweeters Among Religious Leaders

Megachurch pastor and global evangelist Rick Warren may not seem to have much in common with the Dalai Lama, exiled leader of Tibetan Buddhism. But they are the only religious figures to make Forbes’ list of the top 20 “most influential Twitter celebrities.” (Though Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho, ranked No. 2, could also be considered something of a spiritual guru.)

The Dalai Lama actually came in fifth, and Warren just made it at No. 20. But he shouldn’t feel bad as the Buddhist leader also beat Barack Obama (No. 11), and all three lost out to the top celeb, the Canadian-born teen pop idol Justin Bieber.

Moreover, Warren, pastor of the influential Saddleback Church in Orange County, California, has been Tweeting only for a little over a year but he has more than 200,000 followers, and each Tweet reaches some 1 million people.

More here:


[The truth is that the influential Rick Warren has demonstrated how he has more in common with the Dalai Lama, or at least his religion, than people might realize when he previously teamed up with Ken Blanchard the influential New Age/Buddhist sympathizer, and has also basically stated that Buddhists and Christians worship the same God. Also see: The Strange Case of Ken Blanchard.]

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