
Archive for July 22nd, 2010

Watch these extra biblical and non-biblical hypnotic spiritual practices and false teachings of IHOP being used on gullible youth:

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IHOP-KC Revival Continues on GOD TV

International House of Prayer Student Awakening, plus Fascinate this weekend.

MEDIA ADVISORY, July 21 /Christian Newswire/ — GOD TV has been broadcasting the move of God among students at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City (IHOP-KC) for many months and these exclusive broadcasts will continue throughout the summer. In addition, GOD TV will also air the Fascinate conference this weekend.

Founded by Mike Bickle, IHOP-KC is known worldwide for its dedication to night and day prayer and has been holding a non-stop prayer and worship meeting for the past 11 years – with intercessory teams working in shifts around the clock. IHOP-KC is also devoted to mobilizing a new generation of prayer warriors and passionate worshippers.

The IHOP Student Awakening began at the IHOP University last December and viewers have been amazed by the testimonies of people whose lives have been touched by God in different ways…

More here:


On the other hand, find out why the dangerous teachings of Mike Bickle and IHOP are not considered to be biblical by mainstream Christianity, here:

Mike Bickle and International House of Prayer


The “Harp and Bowl” 24-Hour Prayer Initiative
and the ‘Restoration of the Tabernacle of David’


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